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Taking Safety Measures During Biktoberfest

Biktoberfest has been in operation since the year 1993. It was mainly established to attract people all around the world to Daytona Beach, Ormond Beach, Port Orange, Ponce Inlet, DeLand, Port Orange, New Smyrna Beach, and Bunnell area during the Fall season.  Biktoberfest will take place October 19 through the 22nd this year. Many Floridians will be preparing for the annual costume parties, pumpkin competitions, trick-or-treating, and the famous biktoberfest.

Floridians along with Florida natives will be attending biktoberfest by the thousands as they have every year. Tens of thousands of bikers ride into Florida each October. This is a great profit for Florida, but it also brings with it many dangers. With so many bikers roaming the roads, accidents are bound to happen.

Many motorcycle accidents could be avoided if caution were exercised while driving. Florida sees many motorcycle accidents every year and as the years pass, that number is always increasing. Four bikers were killed in the Bikeoberfest that took place in 2013, reported the Daytona Beach News-Journal.

Statistics of 2015 Fatalities

Below will show the number of fatalities for each county in Florida that took place in the year 2015.

These were the counties that accounted for the most deaths.

Keeping These Safety Tips in Mind

These safety tips have been provided by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle for every driver:

These are just some basic tips that will greatly reduce motorcycle accidents. Anyone who is driving, especially a motorcycle rider should be aware of all the tips that can help save their lives in the future. One wrong mistake can cost many lives; do not become another statistic. Miami personal injury lawyers have helped thousands of injured motorcycle drivers and their families through their over two decades in practice.

Come To Percy Martinez Law firm For A Free Consultation

Motorcycle accidents usually do not end well. Victims can seek compensation through any reckless driver that caused the accident or for any cause such as, poor road design, lack of maintenance, and even a hazard on the road. By getting in touch with one of the firm’s Miami lawyers, the victim would have their case analyzed for all possible outcomes. The personal injury lawyers are determined to fight for the victim’s rights and full compensation.