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Choosing a Good Divorce Attorney

Everyone is aware of the stress that comes after divorce. The manner, with which the issues are managed and finally resolved, will have great impact on all members of the family and sometimes include members of their extended families. The economic and emotional aspect of divorce also has sweeping impact and is always upsetting. Both parties’ choice of Suffolk County divorce attorney is a crucial first step that can set the attitude for the whole divorce process.

It is therefore encouraged that clients look around for a divorce attorney and not just settle with the first lawyer that they encounter. Not every client is ideal for every attorney and not all lawyers are for all clients. The client-lawyer relationship should work. Although there are recommended lawyers from friends, colleagues or relatives who have had successful cases with a lawyer in the past, it would not always mean that he is the perfect attorney for you.

Here are some basic guidelines for considering the ideal Suffolk County divorce attorney for you.

Lawyer’s Experience. You should consider a divorce lawyer that has considerable experience in handling divorce cases in your place. A well-practiced divorce lawyer should know what to anticipate from the judges within your jurisdiction and must be able to utilize this knowledge for your case. Also, your lawyer should practice mainly in the area of divorce law.

Testimonials from Clients. The best method of deciding which divorce lawyer to hire is to determine what other clients have to say about your prospect lawyer. If you don’t know anyone who is a former client of your prospect Suffolk County divorce attorney, ask the lawyer if he can provide you a list of his former clients whom you can talk to.

Communication. When a client is unhappy with his lawyer, one of the common reasons is lack of communication with the attorney. It is crucial that your lawyer will have the time to respond to your queries and should be accessible anytime.

Professional Fees. During your first consultation with a divorce lawyer, be sure to ask about his consultation fees. Some lawyers do short consultations for no cost but majority of reputable divorce lawyers can charge around $100 and $200 for consultation. Sometimes, they will also charge their regular hourly rate. Determine what the lawyer’s hourly rate us, what his upfront retainer is, or if there is a part of the retainer that can be refunded if not used. Also, you should inquire how frequent your lawyer will send invoices that state their hourly charges.

Client-Lawyer Relationship. While all the described aspects are all important, here is the ultimate way to narrow down your choices for Suffolk County divorce attorney. Ask yourself if you are comfortable with the lawyer and if you are confident in his abilities. If not, you can always find another one that you can peacefully work with.

Achieve personal, careful and insistent defense representation from an experienced Suffolk County divorce attorney. Powers Law, P.C has more than 40 years of experience in various criminal cases including drunk driving, drug offenses, domestic violence and others.